The Happy Prince and Other Stories

By Oscar Wilde

The happy prince, sad to see people suffering, the nightingale, curious about love, the Giant, irritated by children playing in his garden and the Rocket who was very full of itself, five short stories each with their own tales to tell and lessons to learn.

This is quite a fast read with five short stories about love and selflessness. Some of the stories are quite cold, where sacrifices were made unnecessarily, like the nightingale and Little Hans, but there are some that have a lot of warmth, such as the deeds of happy prince and the swallow, and the giant. I guess everything may not be as it seems. The people did not think much of The Happy Prince, nor the friend of the nigtingale, but both still willing to sacrifice everything for them, and the friend who think he is doing a great deed avoiding his good friend in times of needs. It is quite a mix of interesting stories to read and learn from, and I enjoyed it very much.