The Time Traveler’s Wife

By Audrey Niffenegger

Henry had a rare genetic disorder that caused him to time travel uncontrollably. It began when he was five when he started time travelling. And when he time travels, he could not bring anything along, even his clothes. One day, he met Clare, and he had Clare remember the dates and places of his jump so that she can help to prepare him some necessities. That also began Clare’s long wait for Henry.

This is a love story between a normal girl and an uncontrollable time traveler. It is quite a sad love since Clare never knows when Henry is going to be gone. But this is also quite a random love. Henry jumped to when Clare was a child and first met Henry. Knowing that Clare was his future wife, he gave the child a whole list of dates to help prepare some clothes for him. Just out of curiosity, if he didn’t approach Clare, will Clare still come into the picture? Also, as the story progress, it was quite sad. A lot of time, Clare was just waiting for Henry to appear, and guessing when Henry is going to disappear again. That is a lot of waiting and uncertainty in one lifetime.

I have read this book a long while ago and I don’t remember all of the details, but I do think that it was quite a nice book. I think it is because I like the way the story is arranged. It felt like a sneak peak of the progression as Henry jumps around his timeline, revealing a little about the past, a little about the future, before it goes back to present to continue with the story.