
By Roald Dahl

A very smart little girl named Matilda realized that she liked reading very much, but was born in a family that does not approve of knowledge very much, especially for girls.

It is nice that Matilda managed to find much comfort and knowledge in reading, and she never give up trying to read more books, at the same time, do some mischief to make herself feel better. However, the way Ms Trunchbull treats the children sound a little scary. There must have been quite an amount of flying children under her supervision. It must have been quite a nightmare having Ms Trunchbull has headmistress. Amazingly, the disapproving parents and scary headmistress did not deter Matilda from doing better and made friends who appreciates her.

Matilda came from a family where they do not care about knowledge much, but rather the shady methods that can help the father do more sales. The father even tried to teach Matilda’s brother, with Matilda listening on the side. Despite that, Matilda did not become such a person. She understand right from wrong, and wanted to be right, instead of doing the wrong things for an easy way out. At school, Matilda had an extremely scary headmistress. But she was still brave enough to speak up for herself. The unreasonable and dire punishment of chokey, or being sent off by Ms Trunchbull’s strength intimidates her into a timid child. On the other hand, even knowing that she might get into trouble, Matilda still wanted to help Ms Honey retrieve her things. This is such a nice story about the brave little girl.