Anne of Green Gables

By Lucy Maud Montgomery

By mistake, Anne Shirley arrived at Green Gables to be adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert who originally asked for a boy to help out at the farm. Anne was imaginative, dramatic and romantic. To her, pretty places should have pretty names, and started creating imaginary stories for those places. Through mistakes, accidents and a lot of embarrassment and tears, Anne adapts to the life in Green Gables.

This is an exciting story to read. Anne talks a lot. She speaks of everything that come across her mind and a lot of things go through her mind all at the same time. She also has a wild imagination about everything and the randomest thought appears in her mind, such as hating the future husband of her bosom friend. At the same time, she is always excited about everything. As the story progress, maturity of Anne was shown through the reduced amount of thoughts and the speed of her words.

While she was very prideful at first, she noticed that her own priority changes as she grew up, knowing that it is ok to not win at everything. She begins to recheck what her priorities are, and that is amazing. It is okay to grow up, to change priorities, and have different preferences and to enjoy the process instead of focusing on the results, and Anne learn all of that by herself as she grows up. It is also quite nice that there are times when Anne understood that everything can change, and is determined to enjoy the moment while it last, even her mistakes, and not take it for granted. What an astounding child.